Design with Page Templates

Consider what type of page you plan to design and review the available Gato templates for the best fit.

Consider the Page Type

There are endless categories and types of web pages, as all websites serve a different purpose. Think about what your user needs to accomplish on your website -- are you informing the user of upcoming programs? Need them to sign up for something? Providing them access to important media or files? Consider how the design can help them complete the purpose of their visit.

Common web pages

  • Home: Acts as the user’s starting point, providing core information and guiding their journey through linking to other pages.
  • About: Provides information about your division, office, or college. It is an opportunity to share your vision, history, and purpose, as well as introduce team members.
  • Contact: Provides contact information, such as a phone number, email, or form, with which to contact your division, office, or college.
  • Directory: A catalog or list of people, programs, resources, and other information.
  • Form: Used to obtain information or feedback.
  • News: Share press releases, articles, stories, and other news-related content
  • Biography: Feature faculty information, such as title, education, publications, awards, contact, and general biographical facts.
  • FAQ: Address common questions and provide answers to help users find information quickly.
  • 404: An error page when the requested web page cannot be found.
  • Sitemap: A simple list of all pages within a website.

Choose a Page Template

Gato templates create a consistent appearance and feel for your entire site. It's recommended that most website utilize the up-to-date Calico templates. Some offices with unique needs may have access to a customized template. The Calico and TXST Standard templates are fully responsive and designed to cater to desktop and mobile users.

Calico templates in Gato (recommended)

  • Calico Standard: Standard web page design, used to create and manage content, including: text, images, video, and document links.
  • Calico Feature: Geared toward home page and other special communication needs.
  • Calico Form: Used to capture information through a form. Functions similarly to the TXST Form template, but with an updated Calico design.
  • Calico Filterable Search: Used to create search pages containing large lists of resources and people. Functions similarly to the TXST Filterable Search template, but with an updated Calico design.
  • Page Redirect: Sends users to a specified page. Often used when a URL has been updated or changed..

TXST Standard templates in Gato

  • TXST Standard: Outdated legacy template used to create and manage content, including: text, images, video, and document links.
  • TXST Form: Outdated legacy template type used to create email forms.
  • TXST Filterable Search: Outdated legacy template used to create search pages containing large lists of resources and people.
  • Page Redirect: Sends users to a specified page. Often used when a URL has been updated or changed..